Personal Finance - 8 mins read
Financial Tips
After all…reporting your rent is just the start. We help you get serious about your finances!!
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Personal Finance - 8 mins read
An Introduction to Homeowners Insurance
Purchasing a new home is an exciting undertaking. However, most homeowners experience mixed emotions due to the overwhelming details that come with it. One such detail is acquiring homeowners insurance. Before getting homeowners insurance, it is important to know how it works, what kind of coverage is available, and how…
Kevin Humbold , Student Account Manager

Personal Finance - 7 mins read
How to Get a Loan With Low or No Credit
Financial institutions are less likely to lend money to individuals with low or no credit scores. This makes it difficult for many to obtain loans, which can be a major obstacle when trying to finance large purchases or cover unexpected expenses. However, there are a few strategies that can increase…
Maxine Parks , Student Account Manager

Personal Finance - 8 mins read
How to Avoid Interest Payments On Your Credit Card?
Credit card debt can be a major financial burden, especially with high interest rates. However, there are ways to pay off your credit card debt without accruing interest. In this blog post, we’ll explore some ways to avoid paying interest on credit cards. Scroll down or use the links below…
Maxine Parks , Student Account Manager

Personal Finance - 6 mins read
Is It Worth It To Hire a CPA To Do Your Taxes?
Tax season can be a stressful time, especially for those who have never done their taxes before. Even for those with experience, there are so many rules and regulations to navigate, that it’s easy to make costly mistakes. It's generally a good idea to hire professionals like a Certified Public…
Maxine Parks , Student Account Manager

Personal Finance - 9 mins read
The Best Strategies for Improving Your Credit Score With a Limited Budget
There are a lot of different factors that go into your credit score - and it can be tough to keep track of everything. In this blog post, we'll share some of the best strategies for improving your credit score, even if you have a limited budget. So read on…
Kevin Humbold , Student Account Manager

Personal Finance - 11 mins read
Everything You Need to Know About Increasing Your Credit Card Limit
Understanding how credit works can be confusing for those who are just starting their credit building journey. If you ask “what’s the best way to build your credit” it's likely you’ll hear about applying for a credit card with the hopes that over time, you might be able to raise…
Maxine Parks , Student Account Manager

Debt Management , Personal Finance - 8 mins read
Debt Snowball vs. Debt Avalanche
As consumers, we’re likely to incur various debts across different accounts. Whether you’re newly out of college or securing a car loan, you’ll need to come up with a plan to pay down the slew of balances accumulated over time, such as student loans, car loans, credit card balances, etc.…
Stephany Lamas , Student Account Manager

Personal Finance , Renting Tips - 4 mins read
Los Angeles Bans Landlords From Increasing Rent Until 2023
In March 2020, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors adopted the Los Angeles County COVID-19 Tenant Protections Resolution, which prohibits rent increases, among many other things. As a result, landlords in Los Angeles are forbidden from raising the cost of more than 650,000 rent-stabilized units, which represents nearly three-quarters…
Stephany Lamas , Student Account Manager

Personal Finance , Renting Tips - 9 mins read
13 Ways to Save Money on Monthly Rent Payments
If you're looking to rent or move from your old apartment into a new apartment, then you know how expensive it is to rent nowadays. The average rent back in 2009 was about $1,132. But housing costs have skyrocketed in the past decade, bumping the average rent to almost $1,470…